Support throughout your career

Successful workplace integration to get your bearings
Every year, over 15,000 people from around the world join the EDF Group's teams, either on permanent or fixed-term contracts, on work-study programmes or internships. We host at any one time more than 6,800 work-study students, training them in our specialisms and thus helping their professional integration. We pay particular attention to the support we provide during your first few months in the Group.

Support from your first day onwards, throughout your career
Your manager, your unit's human resources team, and your colleagues also, of course, are all at hand to help you during your first days in the workplace, but also at key stages of your career: training, career progression, over the short and medium term.
From your first day onwards, and throughout your career in the Group, EDF will help you develop your skills and choose between mobility options, be it role-to-role mobility or geographical mobility: in short, EDF empowers you to take control of your career.

First step: find out more about your unit and your specialism
Every Group unit holds regular open days for the year's new recruits. Training is also available to supplement your academic knowledge with input on the particular characteristics of your profession within EDF.
Further schemes, in your region or country, will give you a better understanding of the Group, and of its history and culture, and help you develop a medium-term perspective on your career path.