The world is changing, and so are we.
In the coming years, EDF will address significant challenges in an energy industry that is undergoing changes and in which it is one of the leaders. To this end, the Group will continue its major recruitment drive, focusing primarily on technical roles but also on other specialisms such as IT.

Challenges to face up to
EDF's overriding priority is to generate clean electricity to the highest standards of nuclear safety, and to reduce its carbon footprint by 2050.

Recruitment to underpin this goal
All these challenges can only be met by building on and renewing our skills, as demonstrated by the expertise of over 1657,000 employees worldwide.
This recruitment will focus on technical roles, EDF's core business, but also on IT as well as on support functions such as finance and trading.
In order to carry out this recruitment campaigns, EDF has developed tools for communicating with job applicants, both online (a web space dedicated to recruitment, e-forums, webinars, etc.) and face to face (school forums, regional job fairs, etc.), with the overall aim of delivering successful recruitment processes, a level playing field for applicants, as well as support and dialogue.

Responsible and more environmentally sound digital technology
Digital technology helps us to innovate and to enhance our visibility and services.
But despite their many advantages, digital tools can be energy-intensive if used inefficiently.
To avoid this, the EDF Group is firmly committed to the responsible use of these tools, in accordance with its raison d’être.
That is why, since 2020, our teams have taken numerous measures to improve the energy efficiency of the web pages in EDF's digital universe.
Whether by reducing the number of items in our pages, or by optimizing fonts and user clickstreams, the Group is ensuring a more informed and thus more environmentally sound use of digital technology.
This undertaking applies to more than just our websites.