EDF has provided Environmental, Social and Governance information since 2001.
The Group’s reporting system content and form are subject to continuous improvement, over and beyond the requirements of French law.
EDF group's Environmental, Social and Governance Indicators
The Environmental Social and Governance information published by the Group is used for assessment purposes by rating agencies, SRI Investors and non-financial data analysis departments acting on behalf of investors.
Download the 2023 pack ESG XLS - 1.34 MB
For 2023, based on its work, the independent third party issued a report on the consolidated declaration of the extra-financial performance in the Management Report included in the Universal Registration Document.

Progress & outlook
EDF Group publish its second impact report
Following the first edition in 2021, this new impact report describes the progress made by EDF Group and opens up perspectives on how we can pursue our transition towards a world of electricity that is fair, inclusive and sustainable.