EDF, world leader in low-carbon electricity generation
Our energy mix

EDF Group Energy Mix in 2023
467.6 TWh generated in 2023
- Nuclear: 77.7%
- Renewable energies: 15.1% (incl. hydropower 9.1%)
- Combined cycle gaz and cogeneration: 6%
- Fuel: 1%
- Coal: 0.1%
With 93% of its electricity production decarbonized in 2023(1), the EDF Group is nowadays the world’s leading producer of low-carbon electricity(2) and is pursuing its ambition to contribute to carbon neutrality by 2050. In 2023, the carbon intensity produced par the EDF Group stands at 37 gCO2/kWh, down 26% compared to 2022(3). It’s one of the lowest in the world and six time lower than the European utilities average(4).
Consolidated data at 31/12/2023.
(1) Direct CO₂ emissions related to production, excluding life-cycle assessment (LCA) of production means and fuel. Source: EDF Group's URD 2023 - page 9
(2) Source : Enerdata, World ranking of zero direct CO₂ emissions producers
(3) Source: EDF Group's URD 2023 – pages 15.
(4) Source : Valeur 2022, EU-27, Agence européenne de l’environnement, Greenhouse gaz emission intensity of electricity generation in Europe, October 2023.

EDF Energy Mix in France in 2023
365.9 TWh generated in 2023
- Nuclear: 86.9%
- Renewables energies (incl. hydropower): 10.9%
- Combined cycle gaz and cogeneration: 1.7%
- Fuel : 0.4%
- Coal: 0.1%
In France
In France(1), the electricity produced by EDF is 97.8% CO₂ free, thanks to nuclear power and renewable energies. In 2023, EDF’s specific carbon emissions in France delivered the figure of 11 g/kWh(2) produced (vs 20 g/kWh in 2022), 23 times less than the European average for the sector(3).
Consolidated data at 31/12/2023.
(1) Scope of EDF Limited Company.
(2) Direct CO₂ emissions related to production, excluding life-cycle assessment (LCA) of production means and fuel.
(3) Value 2022, EU-27 European Environment Agency, Greenhouse gas emission intensity of electricity generation by country, Oct. 2023.
The energy sources in our mix
Nuclear energy
Clean, safe and competitive, nuclear power represents 86.9% of electricity produced by EDF (scope of EDF Ltd). It underpins the French energy mix and ensures the country’s energy independence.
Renewable energies
While relying on its nuclear base, EDF is counting on the growth of renewable energy sources (hydroelectric, solar, wind, etc.), whose capacity will increase by more than 70% between 2021 and 2030 to reach 60 GW net.