Carbon Footprint

EDF publishes annually a Carbon Footprint over the entire EDF Group on the 3 scopes covering the main greenhouse gas emissions sources defined by the GHG Protocol*.

Carbon Footprint - What exactly is it?

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In 2023, the EDF Group's carbon footprint shows a significant reduction in its emissions, resulting from an increase in decarbonized production, particularly due to the rise of nuclear production in France and the sobriety effect observed on gas and electricity energy consumption (for example -3.2% of electricity consumed in France in 2023 compared to 2022). The Group's total emissions amount to 92 MtCO₂e, marking a reduction of 24% compared to the year 2022.

* The Greenhouse Gas Protocol Initiative, more commonly known as the GHG Protocol, is the most internationally recognized GHG accounting method. Introduced in 1998 by the World Resources Institute (WRI) and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), it was developed in partnership with companies, NGOs, and governments. It provides a set of resources, tools, and data for carbon footprint calculation [].

Graphic [Evolution of CO2 emissions - EDF Group] - Details below