Our four main commitments of this stake
Everybody’s safety and health
The ethics and the human rights
The action promoting equality, diversity and inclusion
The fight against fuel poverty and for social innovation

Equality, diversity and inclusion
Develop the corporate mix ambitions and refer to industry
In 2019, The EDF Executive Committee wanted to develop the corporate mix ambitions putting them for the first time at the Corporate level. This Corporate mix ambition concerned three commitments aiming at reaching:
- 28% of women in the EXCOM in 2023 (Corporate level) ;
- 28% of women among the executive managers and future executive managers in 2030, brought in 2021 to 30%;
- 40% of women among the managing directors appointed by EDF in the boards of directors of the corporate companies by 2023.

Ethics and human rights
EDF group’s human rights commitments
The EDF group is committed to respecting human rights in its activities. EDF supports and promotes the protection of internationally recognised human rights through its commitments rolled out and supported within the Group and in its business relationships.

Fuel poverty and social innovation
EDF mobilised against the energy precariousness
According to the national Observatory, 6.8 million French people suffer energy precariousness with more than 230,000 people respect to last year. Within EDF, guarantor of the public service, almost 250 solidarity experts support low-income customers. Other important axis: the prevention with aids for thermal renovation and control of the energy consumption.

Socially-responsible employer
A leader in Health and Safety
Protecting the Health and Safety of the people who work in the EDF Group's facilities and on its construction sites is our top priority. With this in mind, EDF Group updated its Health and Safety Policy in 2021, and has set itself the overarching goal of eliminating serious accidents and fatalities by the end of 2023. Deployed locally, this policy is binding on all Group companies and each of its employees and service providers.