As the world's leading power producer with no direct CO₂ emissions(1), EDF has set itself the target of achieving Net Zero Emission by 2050. The Group has thus committed to a trajectory of reducing all its emissions (scope 1, 2 and 3) by 2030 and 2050, in line with a +1.5°C warming scenario as assessed by Moody's(2).
Our four main commitments of this stake
EDF: an ambitious carbon trajectory
Carbon offsetting solutions
Adaptation to the climate change
Development of electricity uses and of utilities

Carbon trajectory
Net zero CO₂ emissions by 2050
The EDF Group was one of the first to set, right from 2018, the objective to contribute to the achievement of the carbon neutrality by 2050. 8 years after the signing of the Paris Agreement, EDF Group is raising its ambition to limit CO₂ emissions, in line with UN guidelines for corporate engagement.

Climate risks
How EDF is adapting to climate change
With facilities which have a technical lifespan potentially easily exceeding 40 years, EDF Group is exposed to the physical effects of climate change. This is why the EDF group identified climate risk as a priority in 2018.

Positive contributions
How does the EDF Group calculate its CO₂ avoided emissions?
Avoided emissions are one of the company's positive contributions to the fight against climate change.