EDF brings an innovative tool to help cities design and rebuild their public streetlighting. You can define all the parameters that you need, insert the local regulations and target energy savings that will be transformed in money savings. Your public lighting will become more accurate and more efficient.

Study your public lighting over your whole city

Unlike the usual tools you can find on the design of the public streetlighting remodeling, Citevision allows you to work on your city scale. Your study is thus more accurate and takes less time, sparing it for your fine-tuning post treatment in real-time.

Comply with local standards

Each country meets standard lighting obligations. Citevision integrates them to make sure the results are respecting the local regulation. Citevision can also integrate the photometric studies of each type of luminaire to fit in the global master lighting plan of the city.

Adjust your survey in real-time through your expected KPIs

Once the data is processed, you get reports and KPI of your study. Those outputs may suit you but the interest of this device is the possibility to adjust things to get the exact result you are looking for and to get the best design for your public lighting.

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