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Liquid biomass in overseas territories
Using this biofuel from vegetable or recycled oils will allow French overseas territories to accelerate their energy transition and their decarbonization, while guaranteeing the security of power supply for these non-interconnected areas. The most relevant supply chains from an environmental point of view will be favored, excluding unethical ones such as palm oil.
Biomass through direct combustion
With this technology, fuel (mainly wood, waste from wood processing industries and agricultural plant waste) is fed directly into heating systems capable of producing either heat alone or electricity and heat simultaneously (co-generation). It has many environmental advantages. Dalkia, a subsidiary of the EDF Group, is France’s leading operator of wood-energy plants.

Biomass through methanisation
With this technology, organic waste (household waste, sludge from sewage treatment plants, agricultural effluents, etc.) is first transformed into biogas, through biological degradation or fermentation. This biogas is then burned to produce heat and/or electricity. Within the EDF Group, Dalkia Biogaz [in French] is the subsidiary in charge of the development of the agricultural, industrial and tertiary biogas recovery sector.