In France, industry accounts for nearly 20% of greenhouse gas emissions[1]. This is the 4th highest-emitting sector after transport, agriculture and building. Reducing industrial CO₂ emissions is a key challenge for achieving carbon neutrality by 2050. The EDF Group is committed to supporting industrial players in identifying and implementing sector solutions with a view to reducing their carbon footprint.
Energy consumption of the industrial sector in France
30 TWh
50 TWh
115 TWh
120 TWh
In 2019, annual CO₂ emissions from industry in France are 80 Mt CO₂ éq.[2]

The EDF Group was one of the first to set, right from 2018, the objective to contribute to the achievement of the carbon neutrality by 2050. 8 years after the signing of the Paris Agreement, EDF Group is raising its ambition to limit CO₂ emissions.
Electricity generation
Low-carbon electricity, a means of reducing industry CO₂ emissions
Producing low-carbon electricity to improve the performance of its industrial customers and decarbonise the French economy is a strategic priority for EDF. As the world's largest producer of nuclear electricity and the leading producer of renewable energy in Europe, the Group currently produces one of the lowest CO₂ emitting electricities. It has set itself the objective of achieving Net Zero emissions in 2050.
10g CO₂: environmental profile of kWh produced by EDF in 2020 in mainland France[3]
Reduce CO₂ emissions
Electrifying industrial processes
In France, electrification of uses is the most effective means of replacing fossil fuels and drastically reducing the industry's CO₂ emissions by up to 50%. In order to act now, EDF offers its customers proven technologies to reduce their carbon footprint such as mechanical steam compression, heat pumps, electrical boilers or induction; in the future it will use new processes such as low-carbon hydrogen.

Low-carbon industry
Act and propose solutions to decarbonisze industry
- Electrification of industrial processes
- Reduction in CO₂ consumption and/or emissions: energy efficiency - recovery of fatal industrial heat - low-carbon hydrogen
- Capture of fatal CO₂: Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage (CCUS)
- Decarbonised supply: Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) and self-consumption
- Advice on decarbonisation strategy

Expertise and financing
Support the financing of low-carbon projects
With €1.2bn dedicated over the period 2020-2022[4], the France Relance plan is a real opportunity to finance the decarbonisation of industry. EDF's expertise in financial energy arrangements allows it to help industrial players develop their investment projects to improve the energy performance of their processes, and develop their production and low-carbon heat generation processes.
To learn more
[1] [in French]
[2] [in French]
[3] Direct CO₂ emissions related to electricity and heat generation, excluding the life cycle analysis of generating plants and fuel
[4] [in French]