Close ties with universities
The EDF Group is keen to showcase the diversity of job roles available to future graduates. Its ambassadors (Group employees, themselves graduates) visit universities to meet students and future graduates, share their day-to-day duties and present the Group's activities.

Contribution to campus life
Every year, Group employees attend over sixty graduate careers fairs and e-fairs, run by institutions from which they themselves graduated, and meet students and new graduates at the EDF stand. On the day of the event, managers present the various professions in the Group and provide details of internships, work-study programmes and job opportunities.
EDF is working closely with university students
In addition to its involvement in careers fairs, EDF also builds strong ties with higher education, through various means :
1. Events : careers fairs, theme-based conferences, class reunions, round tables, visits to Group installations, etc. EDF employees reach out and share their career paths.
2. Funding for research and training : EDF has been supporting higher education in France over many years. The Group and the EDF Group Foundation finance company professorships and cycles of Masters courses aligned with its skills requirements.
3. Scholarships for deserving students : through its foundation, EDF provides support to students every year through scholarships awarded on the basis of social criteria and/or academic excellence. These students study selected courses approved by the company.
4. Actions to secure knowledge transfer : every year, several dozen Group employees visit universities as speakers or lecturers so as to share their knowledge, thus complementing the work of academic and university teaching staff.
5. The joint creation of innovative teaching models : EDF actively supports French university projects with the development of new teaching models, such as the creation of MOOCs (massive open online courses)..

EDF Graduates Network
Who better than university alumni to tell future graduates of the same establishments about their career paths? This is an effective way of gaining insight into a future career, and of exploring the career opportunities on offer from EDF for different qualifications.
In addition to the members of the EDF Graduates Network, nearly 1 400 employees are involved events co-organised with higher education institutions.