Our 5 golden tips for a well-drafted CV
The curriculum vitae (CV) is your professional ID card for employers. It is the first item that you present in your search for an internship, a work-study programme or a job, and it must therefore make the recruiter want to arrange a telephone or face-to-face meeting. Recruiters spend an average of around 40 seconds reading every CV that they receive. So it is essential to invest time in writing a good CV that sets out clearly your career plans.

#1 Highlight your career goals
Though not the easiest step, this is the most important one: your career goals must be well defined so that your CV is clear and aligned with your job search. Depending on the position that you are seeking, you should highlight the professional experience and skills that are most relevant to the job description. Pictograme « Good to know » A good description of your career goals will help the recruitment officer gain a better understanding of who you are and understand your career development prospects. This is why it is so important to adapt your CV to every job that you apply for.
Cross-cutting skills: IT tools, languages, etc.
Professional behaviour: teamwork, curiosity, etc.
Education and training
Qualifications / Professional experience

#2 Meet the requirements of recruitment officers
EDF recruiters are looking for an applicant who meets the job criteria, which is why it is so important for you to flag up the relevant information in your training, qualifications and experience. For every CV that you send off, you should update the details of your experience and align them with the job you are applying for. You must complete an application form for every EDF Group job that you are interested in. Fill it out carefully: if your profile does not correspond exactly to the job you are applying for, your application may be transferred to our talent pool, with your agreement, and we may be able to direct you to a job offer that is more suited to your profile.

#3 Show originality, but not too much!
How can you capture the attention of recruiters? Your CV must reflect your personality. The tone and form must convey an image of you, but remember that a clear and unpretentious CV is always more effective. Your originality can give some colour to your background but should not overshadow it. Use software packages to create the form, opt for a clear legible style, add a photo if you want to but choose a suitable, good quality photo. Did you know? A recruitment officer will be uncompromising on spelling. Spelling mistakes can undermine your credibility, so get someone to proofread your CV.

#4 A CV = 1 page
A CV should preferably fit on one page, and a PDF format is recommended. This may prove difficult for people with broader experience but a selection should be made of the details that are most relevant for the position sought. The CV does not need to say it all. It must focus on key information. The accompanying cover letter can provide more detail of your experience. Key information includes training you have received, the qualification you are studying for, and your previous qualifications, all of which should be stressed. Remember -> Avoid repeating information in your CV, remove any experience that dates too far back in the past, and opt for brevity for a clearer overview.

#5 : Stick to the facts
It is not a good idea to lie in your CV, do not fabricate professional experience or list fictitious qualifications. In any case, our recruiters will contact past employers to check the information that you have provided. If there have been any periods of time where you have not worked (parental leave, reskilling, unemployment, etc.) then simply provide an explanation. This will not have an adverse effect on your applicaton - quite the opposite !
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