Nuclear energy, a key solution for a low-carbon society
Nuclear power supplies electricity at any time of the day and year.
French residential customers pay electricity 22% less than the European average, especially because nuclear represents three quarters of the energy mix in France.(1)
Electricity produced from nuclear power is emitting very few CO₂.(2)
French nuclear power plants are the most controlled and protected installations.
Energy independence
The preponderant share of nuclear energy in the French energy mix guarantees the country's energy independence.
(1) Sourcing : "Electricity prices in France and the European Union 2022" report by French Ministry of Ecological Transition – in French.
(2) Each kWh produced by EDF's nuclear fleet in France emits the equivalent of 4g of CO₂ (sourcing: EDF R&D study “Analyse du cycle de vie du kWh nucléaire d’EDF” , 2022 - in French) where the global worldwide average is 12g of CO₂ per kWh (sourcing: GIEC- IPCC, 2018, "Climate Change 2014: Mitigation of Climate Change. Contribution of Working Group III to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change" p. 1,335. Cambridge University Press - PDF 49.9 Mb).

EDF energy nuclear, a leader in a sector of excellence
As the world's leading nuclear operator and the driver of innovative projects, the EDF Group is at the head of a strategic industrial sector, the third largest in France after the automotive and aeronautics sectors. This sector has all of the assets necessary to design and build a new generation of power plants in France and internationally, operate existing reactors and decommission those that have been shut down.

Nuclear Power Plant Operating and Safety Events
Safety and security
Safety nuclear power stations : ensuring protection at all times
The safety of nuclear power stations is guaranteed by taking into account the risk of an accident permanently. Safety is governed by very strict regulations that are designed to protect people and their environment in all circumstances. Scheduled and random inspections are carried out throughout the year by the French Nuclear Safety Authority (ASN).