EDF R&D : a benchmark player worldwide
To support its customers, R&D relies on recognized expertise, testing resources that are sometimes unique in the world, and world-class know-how. These innovative solutions are accessible thanks to more than 70 modern, high-performance testing, measurement and simulation platforms in all areas of the energy sector. R&D has supercomputers reaching a 11-Petaflop capacity as well as major digital simulation software, making it a leading player in these fields.
Discover portraits of our researchers, their achievements, their projects and the ambition that drives them.

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R&D in the world
M€ budget in 2024
doctoral students in 2024 & more than 300 academic and industrial partnerships
employees in France in 2023 with 49 nationalities represented & 298 employees outside France
computing capacity petaflops
Our locations
Select one of our centres below to find out more.

EDF Lab Chatou
EDF Lab Chatou is a long-established R&D site with cutting-edge expertise in hydraulics, renewable energies, nuclear power and environment.
EDF Research and Development Division
EDF Lab Chatou
6, quai Watier
78400 Chatou
Phone: +33 1 30 87 72 44

EDF Lab Paris-Saclay
In the heart of the Paris-Saclay Campus, R&D houses various centres of expertise: vibrational mechanics, software engineering, mathematics and digital simulation, economics of electricity, industrial risk management, NICT and digital and metering architecture, big data processing, client relations, new services creation, and more.
EDF Research and Development Division
EDF Lab Paris-Saclay
7 boulevard Gaspard Monge
91120 Palaiseau
Phone: +33 1 78 19 32 00

EDF Lab Les Renardières
EDF Lab les Renardières is the largest R&D site within the EDF Group. It is home to some of the world most high-performance test facilities.
The research carried out there is highly varied: energy efficiency in the industry, in buildings and territories, safety and performance improvement in production facilities, reliability and future of electricity networks, etc.
EDF Research and Development Division
EDF Lab les Renardières
Avenue des Renardières
77250 Ecuelles - Moret-Loing-et-Orvanne
Phone: +33 1 60 73 60 73

United Kingdom
Manchester, Londres, Brighton, Barnwood - EDF Energy R&D UK Centre
Main areas of research:
- Nuclear:
- modelling of advanced reactors and structural integrity;
- natural hazards and climate change;
- chemistry and corrosion;
- fuel and reactor physics modelling;
- decommissioning and defueling.
- Off Shore Wind
- Energy Systems, Flexibility & Storage
- Zero Emissions Mobility
- Integrated Energy Hubs & Low Carbon Hydrogen
- Smart Digital Technologies: Artificial Intelligence and Applied Data Science

R&D representative office in Brussels
Main areas of research:
- Represents EDF Group's R&D activities with the European institutions
- Facilitates the creation of collaborative projects by providing access to funding sources seeking partners and helping to prepare grant applications

Karlsruhe - EIFER
Main areas of research:
- Climate Neutral Communities
- Local Multi-Energy Systems
- Low Carbon Hydrogen Systems
- Energy Transition, Markets and Environment

Milan, Turin - Edison RD&I
Main areas of research:
- Smart Home and IoT
- Robotics
- Advanced Photovoltaics
- Electric mobility
- Hydrogen & Decarbonation
- Storage
- Smart cities

Los Altos - Californie - EDF Innovation Lab
Main areas of research:
- Customer Solutions
- Digital
- Net Zero Carbon Solutions
- Energy markets
- Electric Mobility
- Smart Grid & Automation
- Open Innovation
- Corporate Venture Capital

Pékin - Shenzhen - Centre EDF R&D Chine
Main areas of research:
- Nuclear
- Renewable Energies, Storage & Advanced Cycles
- Decentralised Energy Systems
- Low-Carbon Urban Energy Planning
- Advanced Power Systems
- Electric Mobility
- Digital innovation
- Artificial intelligence

Asia Pacific
EDF Lab Asia Pacific
Main areas of research:
- SmartGrids, microgrids & interconnexions
- Renewables
- Green & smart Hydrogen
- E-mobility
- Energy markets
Understanding research and those who do it
R&D laboratories and projects
Discorver some of EDF R&D's laboratories and projects around the world.