A community of experts for the research
Through its scientific excellence, R&D has developed a network of more than 300 partnerships in France and abroad with universities, research institutes and industrial and academic partners. Among its most prestigious international partners, R&D includes MIT and Columbia University in the United States, Imperial College and the University of Manchester in Great Britain, Tsinghua University in China and NTU in Singapore.
Discover the work of researchers by browsing through their publications, thesis, patents, scientific or educational books, and design codes.
Our awards and prizes
Our prizes and trophies
Every year, there are several awards and trophies, and events supported by EDF
Our theses and publications in figures
40Theses defended in 2019
26works in the R&D collections
1933patent titles in 2019
682patented innovations
Patents and HAL
HAL-EDF portal
Visit the HAL-EDF portal dedicated to scientific publications by our researchers
Calculation codes
For its activities, EDF R&D develops calculation codes which are available to you.