Sectors of application
Designers and operators of electric power networks, of stationary storage equipment, of electric power plant / Local authorities / Engineering and consulting firms
Your challenges
- Adapt the dynamic operations of your electric power network (ranging from small island networks to large interconnected networks) to the increasing penetration of variable and non-synchronous renewable energy (solar & wind)
- Maintain the stability and reliability of the system with high shares of variable renewable energy
- Assess the current limits of variable renewable energy penetration in your network and find solutions to increase them
- Operate equipment like batteries or variable renewable energy to provide ancillary services
Our strengths
An internationally recognised scientific excellence (papers, awards, graduate training, European projects)
- A extensive experience ranging from large interconnected networks (European power system) to microgrids
- Unique modelling and simulation tools, constantly improved and benchmarked to real measurements and frequent exchanges with various stakeholders of electric power systems (from system operators to equipment suppliers and electricity producers)

Our offer
- Analysis of the maximum penetration levels of variable renewable energy in an electric power network and identification of associated constraints
- Simulation of the frequency behaviour of an electric power network under various scenarios
- Assistance to the identification of the best technical and economic solutions
- Assistance to the implementation of innovative solutions (e.g. frequency control mechanisms, control of batteries and variable renewable energy)
Use case examples
Island power system operators: assistance to the definition of the maximum penetration levels of variable renewable energy, identification of solutions to increase them (e.g. storage) and assistance during implementation
EDF Renouvelables: supply and assistance during implementation of control algorithms of variable renewable energy and storage assets (including batteries) on various sites
EDF SA: “Technical and economic analysis of the European electric power system with 60% renewable energy” study, which received the “UVIG Annual Achievement Award”
European project EU-SysFlex (2017-2021): identification of a long-term roadmap to facilitate the large-scale integration of renewable energy across Europe, practical assistance to power system operators
VENTEEA project: collaborative project on smart grid potential to integrate a high share of wind power capacity in a rural network