Sectors of application

Industry in the energy, transport, oil and gas and chemical sectors: to control the dynamic behaviour of turbine shaft lines, compressors, pumps and motors.

Your challenges

In the field of industrial engineering:

  • To reduce maintenance costs for turbines, compressors, pumps and motors
  • To improve the availability and reliability of these rotating machines
  • To test innovative balancing solutions
  • To control the safe operation of machines under degraded conditions
  • To predict the behaviour of support devices

In the field of research and development:

  • To master the methods and tools used to calculate the dynamic behaviour of rotating machines
  • To test and develop non-intrusive measurement methods

Our strengths

  • Expertise in the shaft line dynamics, lubrication and metrology of rotating machines.
  • Know-how proven through the industrial studies carried out for EDF’s power generation assets for 30 years.
  • Modular, large-scale test bench configuration that is unique in Europe (EURoPE test bench): the 40-tonne concrete mass positioned on spring-loaded boxes supports a 10-tonne metal frame 10 m in length, enabling the motor (66kW variable speed from 0 to 3,000rpm) and bearings to be positioned. The shaft line is made up of several parts, with a total length of 3.2 m. It is supported by two hydraulic bearings. The test bench can be extended up to 10m for a 3-bearing configuration and three couplings.
  • An adaptive configuration: new test bench designs may be considered to adapt to other issues related to shaft line dynamic studies.

Our offer

Depending on your needs, a programme that includes:

  • Studies and assessments
  • Experimental campaigns

For this, we rely on a test facility that is unique in Europe, enabling the vibration behaviour of large rotating machine shaft lines to be studied. The modular and scalable design of the test bench enables us to reproduce the phenomena observed on machines, in order to validate physical and digital models and test technological solutions and measurement methods for rotating machines.

Contact us

Use case examples

Impact of a crack on the vibratory behaviour of a rotor

Test of an active balancing method

Study of rotor-stator contact in the event of vane loss

Development of a method used to measure the vibration of contactless vanes (BVM) in order to detect the origin of a cracking problem on the terminal vanes and to propose an adequate solution