Update as of December 17, 2024
Extension of calls for tenders until the end of 2026 according to the following terms:
- In 2025, EDF will market at least 5 MW/day of each Calendar Baseload product for the delivery years 2029 and 2030.
- In 2026, EDF will market at least 5 MW/day of the Calendar Baseload 2030 product.
Beyond this deadline, EDF will continue to make available, through auctions or any other market mechanism, at least 5 MW/day of each Y+4 and Y+5 product.
The recent crisis has shown the need for electricity consumers to have stable and predictable prices. To help stabilize final consumers' bills, support decarbonization and energy transition challenges while securing its financial trajectory, EDF is committed to developing medium and long-term products to support market players in their efforts.
While most transactions on the French wholesale market are carried out over a 3-year horizon, EDF aims to stimulate the development of long-term electricity sales contracts by offering standardized products with longer maturities.
To this end, EDF launched calls for tenders in September 2023 for annual electricity strips for physical baseload deliveries in years Y+4 and Y+5. These volumes, coupled with the simultaneous development of liquidity in the wholesale markets at these horizons, allow all suppliers who wish to offer commercial offers with a maturity of 4 or 5 years. Such offers have been continuously growing for a year.
To perpetuate this dynamic, these calls for tenders will continue until the end of 2026 with the marketing throughout 2025 of Calendar 2029 and 2030 products and Calendar 2030 products in 2026. For each tender organized, a volume of at least 5 MW per product is put up for sale. This volume may be increased as needed.
Beyond 2026, EDF will continue to make available, through auctions or any other market mechanism, at least 5 MW/day of each Y+4 and Y+5 product.
You will find on this webpage a presentation that briefly describes the functioning of these calls for tenders and the participation conditions, as well as the whole set of related contractual documents.
For any inquiries, EDF can be reached at the following email address: doaat-appels-offres@edf.fr.
Prices resulting from the calls of tenders are published on this link:
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