To perform its missions, the Board of Directors has created six committees to review and prepare certain projects before they are presented to the whole Board. Directors who are members of these committees are appointed by the Board of Directors. The Chairman of each committee is appointed by the Board on proposal from the members of the committee, except for the Strategy Committee which is chaired by the Chairman and CEO of EDF pursuant to the internal rules of procedure of the Board.
The Risks and Audit Committee
The Committee is in charge of monitoring the Group’s financial information elaboration processes and the effectiveness of the internal control, risk management and internal audit systems. It reviews and gives an opinion, before examination by the Board, on the Company's financial position, the medium-term plan and the budget, the Group’s consolidated and statutory financial statements and management reports. It monitors the performance of the duties of Statutory Auditors and their independence and supervises the Statutory Auditor’s selection procedure. It reviews, in conjunction with the Corporate Responsibility Committee, the non-financial information management and elaboration processes, and in particular the Group’s annual statement of non-financial performance (DPEF), as well as the social and environmental risks mapping.
- Mrs. Marie-Christine LEPETIT, Chairwoman of the Committee
- Mr. Christophe BEGUINET
- Mrs. Nathalie COLLIN
- Mr. Bruno CREMEL
- Mr. Fabrice GUYON
- Mr. Gérald LACOSTE
- Mrs. Sandrine LHENRY
- Mr. Philippe PETITCOLIN
The Commitments Committee
The Commitments Committee issues an opinion on external growth and organic growth operations, divestments and sales, as well as on stock exchange transactions carried out by EDF or by one of its subsidiaries, which exceed certain thresholds, if need be in conjunction with the risks and audit Committee, before such operations are submitted to the Board’s approval. It can also examine operations and commitments of that nature which do not exceed the financial exposure thresholds defined by the internal rules of procedure of the Board, if requested by the Chairman and CEO of EDF, considering in particular their strategic relevance.
- Mr. Philippe PETITCOLIN, Chairman of the Committee
- Mrs. Nathalie COLLIN
- Mr. Bruno EVEN
- Mrs. Aurélie FRIONNET
- Mrs. Marie-Christine LEPETIT
The Nuclear Commitments Monitoring Committee (CSEN)
The Nuclear Commitments Monitoring Committee is in charge of following the issues regarding securing the financing of long-term nuclear liabilities and monitors, in that regard, the implementation of the policy relating to the securing of the financing of nuclear costs approved by the Board, which includes the policy for the valuation of nuclear costs and constitution of provisions and the policy for setting up, managing and controlling the financial risks of assets dedicated to cover the provisions. It issues an opinion on governance of dedicated assets, on assets and liabilities management rules and strategic allocation and it reviews the compliance of the management of dedicated assets to the applicable policy. The Committee examines the opinions and works of the EDF independent control function of valuation of nuclear costs (FCECN) and relies on the Nuclear Commitments Financial Expertise Committee works.
- Mr. Gilles DENOYEL, Chairman of the Committee
- Mrs. Aurélie FRIONNET
- Mr. Fabrice GUYON
- Mrs. Marie-Christine LEPETIT
- Mrs. Michèle ROUSSEAU
The Strategy Committee
The Strategy Committee issues an opinion to the Board of Directors on EDF's major strategy policies, in particular on the strategic plan of the Company and the strategic orientations, on the public service contract, strategic agreements, significant alliances and partnerships and on the research and development policy. It examines how the Company and the Group integrate the raison d’être in their strategy and in the operational conduct of their activities, as well as the Group internal organization in order to deploy and implement it.
- Mr. Luc RÉMONT, Chairman of the Committee
- Mr. Christophe BEGUINET
- Mrs. Nathalie COLLIN
- Mr. Bruno CREMEL
- Mr. Gilles DENOYEL
- Mrs. Anne-Marie DESCOTES
- Mr. Bruno EVEN
- Mrs. Aurélie FRIONNET
- Mrs. Delphine GENY-STEPHANN
- Mr. Fabrice GUYON
- Mr. Gérald LACOSTE
- Mrs. Marie-Christine LEPETIT
- Mrs. Sandrine LHENRY
- Mrs. Claire PEDINI
- Mr. Philippe PETITCOLIN
- Mrs. Cécile PICHOT
- Mrs. Michèle ROUSSEAU
The Corporate Responsibility Committee
The Corporate Responsibility Committee examines, in connection with the Group’s strategy, the Group’s commitments and policies, as well as their implementation, in terms of ethics, compliance and ESG. It examines in particular the way in which EDF takes account of issues regarding climate change. It reviews, in conjunction with the risks and audit Committee, the non-financial information management and elaboration processes, and in particular the Group’s annual statement of non-financial performance (DPEF), as well as the social and environmental risks mapping. It examines and issues an opinion to the Board notably on the Company’s vigilance plan, the Group’s carbon neutrality trajectory and climate transition plan, the annual ethics and compliance report, the annual report of the EDF group ombudsman, as well as on the way EDF implements a non-discrimination and diversity policy and a gender equality policy in terms of work and pay. It takes into account the issues and points of attention raised within the dialogue with stakeholders in its works. Unless otherwise decided by the Board, the Chairman of the Corporate Responsibility Committee is the Climate point person of the Board (référent climat).
- Mrs. Claire PEDINI, Chairwoman of the Committee
- Mr. Christophe BEGUINET
- Mrs. Delphine GÉNY-STEPHANN
- Mr. Gérald LACOSTE
- Mrs. Sandrine LHENRY
- Mrs. Cécile PICHOT
- Mrs. Michèle ROUSSEAU
The Appointments, Remuneration and Governance Committee
The Committee submits its recommendations or proposals to the Board of Directors regarding the appointment of Directors by the Shareholders’ Meeting. It proposes to the Board the definition and updates of a diversity policy applicable to Directors. It gives an opinion to the Board on the way the Company implements a non-discrimination and diversity policy and ensures a balanced representation of women and men in the EDF Executive Committee and senior management of the Company. The Committee ensures the existence of succession plans in order to anticipate the succession of executive corporate officers and members of the Group’s Executive Committee. The Committee examines and gives an opinion on the corporate officer compensation policy and on the principles and criteria used to determine and distribute the fixed, variable and exceptional components of the Chairman & Chief Executive Officer’s compensation and benefits of all kinds. It submits this opinion to the Board for deliberation. The Committee submits to the Board its opinion on the compensation policy of the Group’s Executive Committee and the main officers, as well as on the amount and distribution rules of the sum set by the Shareholders’ Meeting to allocate to the Directors.
In terms of governance, the Committee oversees issues relating to corporate governance and ensures the implementation, via the Company’s corporate bodies, of the principles and rules outlined in the AFEP-MEDEF Code. It may make proposals concerning changes in the functioning or powers of the Board or its internal rules of procedure. Every year, it conducts a review of the functioning of the Board and its Committees and every three years supervises the formal evaluation conducted by an independent external consultant. Each year, the Committee examines the individual situation of each Director according to the criteria defined by the AFEP-MEDEF Code regarding their independence and reports its findings to the Board. It examines and gives its opinion on situations of conflicts of interest of which it has become aware or which are reported to it and reports such situations to the Board.
- Mrs. Nathalie COLLIN, Chairwoman of the Committee
- Mrs. Claire PEDINI
- Mrs. Cécile PICHOT