On 15 November 2017, EDF is launching a certification trial for its press releases, offering a tool to check their authenticity. The Group has chosen technology developed by the French start-up KeeeX®, which means that EDF’s press releases now have a unique electronic signature to prove the integrity of the file, the identity of its author and its publication date. The recipients of certified press releases will thus be able to make sure that they do in fact come from the EDF group and have not been edited by visiting medias.edf.com.

EDF is one of the first companies to certify its press releases and is keen to combat the dissemination of false information.

How does it work?

Every press release is digitally certified and signed at EDF before it is anchored in the blockchain to create an original, tamper-proof file that is impossible to forge. Once it has been released and published online, anyone can check on the EDF website that the proof of the document’s integrity matches up with what is saved in the blockchain and that its electronic signature does indeed come from EDF.

What is KeeeX?

KeeeX provides revolutionary, universal self-sufficient protection within the files themselves. Proof of integrity and signatures can indisputably certify their content and author. These are backed up by timestamps and proof of existence on the blockchain. Every file that has been handled by KeeeX is autonomous and can be checked regardless of the format thanks to a very simple universal application without the need for trusted third parties and with no time limits.

What is a blockchain?

A blockchain is like an online directory that indelibly records document or transaction fingerprints to confirm their authenticity. A blockchain is used, for example, for the digital currency, Bitcoin.

This press release is the first EDF press release to have been certified with KeeeX. Check the authenticity of this document at medias.edf.com

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