EDF launches an inaugural landmark offering of green bonds convertible into new shares and/or exchangeable for existing shares (OCEANEs Vertes) due 2024 for a maximum nominal amount of €2.4 billion and announces its intention to issue two new tranches of Euro-denominated Hybrid Notes

Paris, France, 8 September 2020 - EDF (ISIN Code: FR0010242511,Vigeo ESG Rating 66/100, Sustainalytics Rating 86/100) (the "Company") announces today the launch of its inaugural landmark offering of green senior unsecured bonds convertible into new shares and/or exchangeable for existing shares of the Company (OCEANEs Vertes) due 2024 (the "Bonds"), by way of a placement to qualified investors (within the meaning of the Prospectus Regulation) only, in accordance with Article L. 411-2(1) of the French Code monétaire et financier, for a maximum nominal amount of approximately €2.4 billion (the "Offering").

As a core component of its Cap 2030 strategy, EDF has set itself the goal in 2015 of doubling its net installed renewables capacity to more than 50GW in 2030. With this Offering, the first convertible bond issued by EDF and the first green convertible bond of a jumbo size ever issued, the Company reaffirms its ambitions in renewable energy and its commitment "to build a net zero energy future with electricity and innovative solutions and services, to help save the planet and drive wellbeing and economic development" as stated in its raison d’être.

An amount equal to the net proceeds of the Offering will be allocated, directly or indirectly, to the financing and/or refinancing, in whole or in part, of new and/or existing Eligible Projects, as defined in EDF’s Green Bond Framework. Existing Eligible Projects that may be refinanced with the present Offering with a maximum three-year look-back period before the issuance year of the Bonds amount to approximately €1.5 billion in line with EDF’s Green Bond Framework.

Main terms of the Bonds

The Bonds will not bear interest (zero-coupon) and will be issued at an issue price ranging between 105.75% and 108.00% of their nominal value, resulting in an annual gross yield-to-maturity of (1.91)% to (1.39)%. The nominal value of the Bonds will be set at a premium of 30% to 35% above the Company's reference share price on the regulated market of Euronext in Paris ("Euronext Paris")1.

The final terms and conditions of the Bonds are expected to be announced later today and the settlement-delivery of the Bonds is expected to take place on 14 September 2020 (the "Issue Date").

Unless previously converted, exchanged, redeemed or purchased and cancelled, the Bonds will be redeemed at par on 14 September 2024 (or on the following business day if this date is not a business day) (the "Maturity Date").

The Bonds may be redeemed prior to maturity at the option of the Company, under certain conditions.

In particular, the Bonds may be fully redeemed earlier at par, at the Company’s option at any time from 14 September 2022 (inclusive) until the Maturity Date (excluded), subject to a prior notice of at least 30 (but not more than 60) calendar days, if the arithmetic mean, calculated over a period of 20 consecutive trading days, chosen by the Company from among the 40 consecutive trading days ending on the trading day immediately preceding the day of the publication of the early redemption notice, of the daily products on each of such 20 consecutive trading days of the volume weighted average price of the Company’s shares on Euronext Paris and the applicable conversion/exchange ratio on each such trading day, exceeds 130% of the nominal value of the Bonds.

Bondholders will be granted the right to convert or exchange the Bonds into new and/or existing shares of the Company (the "Conversion/Exchange Right") which they may exercise at any time from the day (inclusive) following the 90th day after the Issue Date (i.e., 14 December 2020) up to the 7th business day (inclusive) preceding the Maturity Date or the relevant early redemption date.

The conversion/exchange ratio is set at one share per Bond, subject to standard adjustments, including anti-dilution and dividend protections, as described in the terms and conditions of the Bonds. Upon exercise of their Conversion/Exchange Right, bondholders will receive at the option of the Company new and/or existing shares of the Company carrying in all cases all rights attached to existing shares of the Company as from the date of delivery.

Application will be made for the admission of the Bonds to trading on Euronext AccessTM of Euronext in Paris to occur within 30 calendar days from the Issue Date.

EDF Green Bond Framework

Green bonds are fully integrated in the financing policy of the EDF group (the "Group"), making the Group a frequent Green issuer and participant in the development and liquidity of the green bond market.

In this context, the Company released in January 2020 on its website the third version of its Green Bond Framework (as amended or supplemented from time to time, the "Framework"), established in accordance with the Green Bond Principles 2018 published by the International Capital Markets Association (ICMA). The external review of the Framework was conducted by Vigeo Eiris, who issued a second party opinion on 8 January 2020. The Bonds are issued on the basis of this same Framework and second party opinion. Both the Framework and Vigeo Eiris’s external review are available on the "Green Bonds" Section of the Company’s website (www.edf.fr).

In the third version of its Framework, the Company extended the scope of eligible investments to include the broader Group, and aligned the scope to current market practices and investor demand.

In line with its Green Bond Framework, the Company will provide information on the types of biodiversity projects receiving green bond funding. This will include descriptions of these project types, project examples and qualitative information on associated benefits and/or impacts. At its discretion, the Company will communicate on quantitative indicators for certain projects. Annex I provides a list of these indicators, as well as illustrative examples of project types by project category.

The Company’s approach to biodiversity reporting shall continue to evolve. Other biodiversity indicators may eventually be used to communicate biodiversity impact as the Company deems appropriate or desirable. Any additional information on biodiversity project reporting shall be communicated as specified in Annex I to this press release.

Legal framework of the Offering and placement

The Bonds will be issued by way of a placement to qualified investors (within the meaning of Regulation (EU) 2017/1129 (as amended, the "Prospectus Regulation")) only, in accordance with Article L. 411-2(1) of the French Code monétaire et financier, as per the authorization granted by the Company’s extraordinary general meeting held on 7 May 2020 (24th resolution), in France and outside of France (excluding, in particular, the United States of America, Australia, Japan or South Africa), without an offer to the public (other than to qualified investors) in any country (including France).

Existing shareholders of the Company shall have no preferential subscription rights, and there will be no priority subscription period, in connection with the issuance of the Bonds or the underlying new shares of the Company issued upon conversion.

Intentions of existing shareholders

The French State – represented by the French Government Shareholding Agency (Agence des participations de l’État – APE) –, which currently holds, together with EPIC Bpifrance, 83.6% of the Company’s share capital, has informed the Company of its intention to place a subscription order in the Offering for a total nominal amount of up to €960 million corresponding to approximately 40% of the Offering2, at a price equal to the final price resulting from the bookbuilding process.

The Company is not aware of the intention of any of its other main shareholders to participate in the Offering.

Lock-up undertakings

In the context of the Offering, each of the Company and the French State will agree to a lock-up undertaking on the issuance or sale of shares or of securities giving access to the share capital for a period starting from the announcement of the transaction and ending 90 calendar days after the Issue Date, subject to certain customary exceptions or waiver from the Joint Bookrunners.


For illustrative purposes, considering a €2.4 billion principal amount and a par value of €11.493 per Bond, and based on the initial conversion/exchange ratio, the potential dilution would represent approximately 6.7% of the Company’s outstanding share capital, if the Conversion/Exchange Right was exercised for all the Bonds and the Company decided to only deliver new shares upon exercise of the Conversion/Exchange Right.

Available information

Neither the offering of the Bonds, nor the admission of the Bonds to trading on Euronext AccessTM is subject to a prospectus approved by the French Autorité des marchés financiers (the "AMF"). No key information document required by the PRIIPs Regulation has been or will be prepared. Detailed information about EDF, including its business, results, prospects and the risk factors to which EDF is exposed are described in the Company’s universal registration document (Document d’enregistrement universel) for the financial year ended December 31, 2019, filed by the Company with the AMF on 13 March 2020 under No. D.20-0128; the Company’s half-year financial report as at 30 June 2020; the slideshow (including its appendices) made available in connection with the Company’s 2020 half-year results announcement; and the Company’s press releases and other regulated information about the Company; which are all available on the Company’s website (www.edf.fr).

New issue of two tranches of Euro-denominated Hybrid Notes

The Company is also announcing today its intention to issue a new Euro-denominated tranche of perpetual 6.5 years non-call hybrid notes with a first redemption at the option of the Company on 15 March 2027 (the "6.5-Year Non-Call Hybrid Notes"), and a new Euro-denominated tranche of perpetual 10 years non-call hybrid notes with a first redemption at the option of the Company on 15 September 2030 (the "10-Year Non-Call Hybrid Notes" and, together with the 6.5-Year Non-Call Hybrid Notes, the "Hybrid Notes").

The Company can redeem the Hybrid Notes for cash at any time during the 90 days before the first interest reset date, which is expected to be in 6.5 years (with a first reset date of March 2027) for the 6.5-Year Non-Call Hybrid Notes, and in 10 years (with a first reset date of September 2030) for the 10-Year Non-Call Hybrid Notes, and on every coupon payment date thereafter. Although the proposed Hybrid Notes are perpetual, they include a make whole call at the option of the Company and can be called at any time for withholding tax, tax deductibility, tax gross-up, rating methodology, accounting, or substantial repurchase event.

The Hybrid Notes are scheduled to be admitted to trading on Euronext Paris. It is also expected that the rating agencies will assign the Hybrid Notes a rating of Baa3/BB-/BBB (Moody’s/S&P/Fitch) and an equity content of 50%.

1 The reference share price will be equal to the volume-weighted average price (VWAP) of EDF’s shares recorded on Euronext Paris from the launch of the Offering today until the determination of the final terms (pricing) of the Bonds on the same day.
2 The final amount subscribed by the French State will depend on the final allocations following the bookbuilding process.
3 Calculated on the basis of a reference share price equal to €8.836 at close of trading on 7 September 2020, and a 30% conversion premium.

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