Obs’COP 2024, files to download

Find free access to all the results of the survey.


November 2023

A divided planet? World opinion on climate change

e-book: A divided planet? World opinion on Climate Change

A summary document of the key findings of this 2023 wave, which notably includes a new theme: climate migrations. 

April 2023

Une planète mobilisée ? L'opinion mondiale face au changement climatique

Livre : une planète mobilisée ? L'opinion mondiale face au changement climatique

We suggested to around twenty social science and political researchers that they analyze the themes of the survey or the finding of one country in particular. The results of their work are presented together in this book.

Licence Creative Commons

This study is made available under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License - No Commercial Use - Sharing under the Same Conditions 4.0 International.

All the figures, tables, graphs and information present in these documents and on the website can be reproduced and used on condition that the source is quoted: "Obs’COP - EDF / IPSOS - November 2024". Exploitation and reproduction of brands and logos prohibited.