The absolute priority of worker protection
Risk prevention and the long-term improvement of workplace conditions are priorities for EDF. Nuclear power plants implement risk prevention measures, and radiation protection measures in particular, for employees working in radiological controlled areas.

EDF’s commitment to research
EDF is taking part in an epidemiological study entitled “The cohort of EDF nuclear workers”, aimed at identifying the health risks linked to chronic exposure to ionising radiation. Set up in the 1990s, the study is monitored by a scientific committee made up of representatives from EDF and the Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Institute.
Radiation protection, a rigorous and strictly monitored programme
EDF has put in place thorough arrangements for guaranteeing the radiation protection of nuclear power plant workers. This package of measures, which meets strict regulations, is designed to limit worker exposure to ionising radiation: the annual limit is currently set at 20 mSv (millisieverts) per year. By way of comparison, the average individual exposure to natural radiation is 2.9 mSv per year (Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Institute).
EDF has set up a stringent organisation that goes above and beyond mere compliance with the relevant regulations, and includes the following measures:
- all workers must have had radiation protection training;
- access to the controlled area, and movement and stay-time within the controlled area, are limited;
- the use of personal protective equipment and radiation monitoring devices is mandatory;
- workers are monitored before, during and after their work activities, and are given regular individual health checks.

Management of occupational stress
EDF has implemented a comprehensive approach to promoting the work-related physical and mental wellbeing of its employees and external contractors. Each power plant has a focus group bringing together workforce and management representatives, plant senior management, human resources representatives and medical staff, to identify risk factors and issue recommendations for mitigating them.