The multi-disciplinary gender-equal Stakeholder Advisory Committee brings together volunteer personalities from civil society. They will review and assess the Group's strategic directions.
Jointly chaired by Luc Rémont, the EDF Group's Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, and Cécile Renouard, president of the Transition Campus and manager of the ‘’CODEV-Business and development’’, the comittee is composed by 12 volunteer members: environmental and climate specialists, academics, student group representatives, consumer representatives and members of solidarity networks.
Set up for a period of three years, the Stakeholder Advisory Committee is extending the long-standing dialogue that the Group initiated with civil society through various advisory committees (sustainable-development advisory committee, scientific advisory committee).
EDF considers that its corporate social responsibility commitments form an integral part of its performance: the advisory committee will hold regular discussions with the Group's employees. Its recommendations will be addressed and an annual report on its activities will be issued.
Members of the Stakeholder Advisory Committee
In terms of governance, the committee will be jointly chaired by Luc Rémont, the EDF Group's Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, and Cécile Renouard, president of the Transition Campus and manager of the "CODEV-Business and development". The members are:
Luc Rémont
Chairman and CEO, EDF

Cécile Renouard
Director of the CODEV programme, ESSEC Business School and Professor, Centre Sèvres

Aurélien Acquier
Professor at the ESCP Business School, Joint director of the ESCP-Deloitte-Circular Economy Chair

Kalina Raskin
Director of CEEBIOS, European Centre of Excellence in Biomimetics

Christophe Cassou
Climatologist, CNRS Reseacher, IPCC Member

Dr Valérie Masson-Delmotte
Paleo climatologist, researcher at the Climate and Environment laboratory and co-president of IPCC Working Group 1

Yann Algan
Associate Dean of the HEC pre-experience Programmes and HEC Economics Teacher, Paris

Elsa Savourey
Business and Human Right, Principle For Responsible Investment Expert

Germain L’Hostis
Member of the Ecological Awakening Collective

Maud Sarda
Co-founder and Director of the Emmaüs Label

Joël Destom
Regional Director, Paris Ile-de France of AG2R LA MONDIALE.
Executive director of French West Indies- Guyana interprofessional health insurance French Member of the Euro...

Moustapha Kamal Gueye
Director, Priority Action Programme Just transitions towards environmentally sustainable economies and societies at the International Labour Organization (ILO)

A support to the CSR governance
The Stakeholder’s Board is one of the dialogue body on which the CSR governance relies on so as to always better identify and assess the risks and opportunities peculiar to each stake and to each commitment. To go further on, discover our CSR governance in the 2021 Universal registration document of the EDF Group.
Consult the Universal registration documentPDF - 140.15 KB
3.4.1 Dialogue and consultation with stakeholders
News of the Committee

Presentation of the project "developing the skills necessary for our professions"
This session was co-presided by Luc Remont, EDF Chief Executive Officer and Cecile Rouard, President of the Transition Campus, Director of the CODEV programme, ESSEC Business School and Professor, Sevres Centre.

The EDF Group's strategic orientations
This session was co-presided by Luc Remont, EDF Chief Executive Officer and Cecile Rouard, President of the Transition Campus, Director of the CODEV programme, ESSEC Business School and Professor, Sevres Centre.

Adaptation of the EDF infrastructures to the climate change
This session was co-presided by Luc Remont, EDF Chief Executive Officer and Cecile Rouard, President of the Transition Campus, Director of the CODEV programme, ESSEC Business School and Professor, Sevres Centre.

Duty of Vigilance
The 4th session of the Board, on June 10, concerned the Duty of Vigilance. 18 months after its new configuration, the Board ratified its rotating co-presidency: Cécile Renouard takes over from Kalina Raskin.

2050 energy mix scenarios
During the third session, the Council of the Stakeholder worked on the issue of the 2050 energy mix and on the issue of the externalities related to these scenarios. The session took place at a distance. The Council welcomed a new member, David Djaïz, essayist and teacher.

Renewable energies

During the second meeting, the stakeholder advisory committee focused on the topic of renewable energies and more particularly on the EDF group's strategy and its CSR challenges in wind and solar energies industries.

Social responsibility commitments

During the first session, the stakeholder advisory committee focused on goals pertaining to the Group's social responsibility commitments, which seek to implement the principles of EDF's Raison d'être that was adopted in May 2020.