Recovered energy is an important source of renewable energy. Heat from data centres and industrial waste heat are the two sectors where the EDF Group is active.

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Understand recovered energy (in French)

Recovering heat from data centres

IT servers in data centres give off a lot of heat. Rather than losing the heat produced, it is recovered and distributed within an urban network that provides heat to connected buildings. Dalkia, a subsidiary of the EDF Group, has a perfect command of this technology.

The example of Paris Val d’Europe (in French)

Arcelor-Mittal, the world’s leading steel producer, has chosen the ecoimpact offer to recycle the energy recovered from its industrial site in Dunkirk for the benefit of the region.

Arcelor-Mittal provides heat to Dunkirk

Waste heat is growing in value

Industrial processes use a huge amount of energy and release a lot of heat, known as waste heat. With ecoimpact, Dalkia is able to recover this energy, which would otherwise go unused.

Recovering waste heat