Towards smarter electricity networks
In order to integrate renewable energies into the electricity network, the networks must be adapted. This requires the introduction of intelligent monitoring and control systems, known as smart grids. These are networks capable of integrating the actions of all players, whether producers or consumers. R&D is working on the development of these smart grids.

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R&D and Smart Grids
Smartgrids facilitate the integration of renewable energies, manage new uses of electricity, such as electric vehicles, and optimise network service quality at a lower cost to the end customer.

The microgrid demonstrator project in Singapore
EDF, leading a consortium of French smart grid/smart city companies, set up the MASERA demonstrator in Singapore. Its goal? To allow isolated territories in South-East Asia to benefit from affordable, green energy via a reliable, robust microgrid.

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Discover the GeneSys embedded software, developed by EDF R&D researchers to meet the needs and challenges of industrial and energy assets to manage digital control systems.

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Smart charging
With the massive arrival of electric vehicles, discover the smart charging solutions developed by EDF's R&D researchers to optimise vehicle charging while minimising constraints on the electricity network.

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A monitored electricity network
To detect and locate faults in the electricity network, EDF R&D has developed several cutting-edge tools. From the fault-finding truck to the Estim’R system or to the online monitoring system, discover how EDF R&D is contributing to ensuring a reliable, high-quality service every day.

Want to see more laboratories?
Discover the Concept Grid test facility, the accelerated aging room and the “Station d'Essais Grande Puissance” (High Power Testing Station).