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“We urgently need to decarbonise buildings to reach carbon neutral by 2050!” There are two ways of doing this. Firstly, through energy efficiency, by improved insulation, and by using high-performance equipment. Secondly, by replacing fossil fuels with electricity (low in carbon), renewables, biomass or renewable heat and recovery.”

Didier Roustan, head of of the Sales, Services & Marketing Programme in EDF R&D

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In figures

Three important things to remember

  • 80%

    is the reduction in CO2 emissions obtained by using a heat pump instead of a gas or fuel system.

  • 35%

    of heating for the EDF Lab Paris Saclay comes from energy recovered from the data centre on the site.

  • half of all

    Ile-de-France residents are exposed to air pollution that exceeds the regulatory limits (1.5 million people).

I understand the challenge of decarbonising housing and helping people to save energy

Every year in France, the residential sector accounts for 25% of energy consumption and 15% of greenhouse gas emissions. R&D researchers are working on technical solutions and regulatory tools to decarbonise this sector.

Low-carbon R&D solutions for housing

In the quest for carbon neutrality by 2050, the residential sector is a key lever. Every home has a role to play in this energy transition. Aware of this challenge, EDF is committed to helping its customers transform their homes by offering solutions that are both energy-efficient and affordable, while improving individual comfort.

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For further information

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R&D to support EDF's energy efficiency plan

EDF's objective is to help its customers achieve energy efficiency in the short term. Thanks to its in-depth expertise in residential electricity consumption, R&D is supporting the sales teams in this dual challenge: guiding our customers to reduce their consumption during energy peaks and assisting them in optimising their daily consumption.

Air quality

Quiz: test your knowledge


Air quality research

Air quality research – it’s not just hot air!

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