Sectors of application
Public authorities / Urban planning / Industry / River, marine, coastal, port infrastructures / Offshore industry
Your challenges
- To study the interactions between the environment and industrial, marine or river infrastructures
- To assess natural risks, to guarantee security versus flood, storm, surge, draught, heat wave, or clogging of water intakes (by sediments, fish, jellyfish, plants and algae, etc.)
- To characterize extreme events, or global warming effects, and to design adjustments
- To dimension your coastal or river infrastructures, complying with environmental regulation and local constraints
- To create innovative solutions, which combine performance with environmental and sanitary acceptance (ex. fish pass, river continuity, restoration/renaturation of water bodies, etc.)
- To manage the multiple uses of water with respect to your needs
Our strengths
Our historical expertise since 1946 (LNHE – National Laboratory for Hydraulics and the Environment)
- Our broad, comprehensive offer, that enables us to solve each problem accurately
- We master calculation software, by involving in their development
- Our ability to deal with complex cases (ex. turbulence, vibration, data treatment, etc.), through our R&D network
- Our applied-research background, tightly interacting with EDF’s engineering and operation units

Our offer
- Numerical and experimental modelling of river and ocean/sea phenomena : flow, current, wave, swell, tide, sediment transport and morphological evolution
- Simulation/modelling of water quality
- Exposure assessment for human populations and environmental compartments (including modelling of chemical behaviour in water bodies, ground, atmosphere, biological and human organisms, by pharmaco-kinetics)
- Expertise, Audit, Owner assistance in : design, specification, construction, operation, counter-expertise of physical and numerical models
- Facilities for rent : basins and flumes
- Equipment for rent : measuring device, scale models, etc.
- Measurement, catchment, monitoring : field/on-site, or on a scale model
Use case examples
Artelia, CEREMA, HR Wallingford , BAW, Cerfacs, Daresbury Laboratory (since 2011): consortium for Open Source distribution of TELEMAC-MASCARET (opentelemac.org) integrated suite of solvers (used by the French flood forecasting department SCHAPI, SPC).
Yuansuan, China SaaS Cloud project (2020): expertise and training on TELEMAC-MASCARET solvers, assistance with technical project realization.
EPRI (2012): shared experience in power plant cooling water filtration.
EDF Renewables (since 2012): hydrodynamic studies for offshore wind and floating wind turbines dimension. Expertise on : ocean weather data, marine current turbines, swell energy, etc.
French Biodiversity Agency (AFB) (since 1982): expertise partner on fish migration and fish-pass design.
ENPC, CEREMA (since 2008): «Saint Venant» common hydraulics laboratory
INRAE ex-IRSTEA (since 2009): «Hynes» common research team on hydroecology
CNRS (since 2018): «Melusine» common research team on effluent treatment processes + Partner in chemistry, microbiology, radioecology
IRSN, CEA: radioecology partner
INERIS: ecotoxicology partner
IFREMER, MNHN: biodiversity partner
Deltares: water quality partner