Sectors of application
Industry / River, marine, coastal, port infrastructures / Environmental agencies
Your challenges
- To measure physico-chemical parameters in water (ex. environmental monitoring)
- To characterize flow patterns in water bodies, and sediment dynamics
- To develop and calibrate hydraulics numerical models
- To study the behavior of aquatic organisms near an infrastructure (ex. to evaluate the efficiency of a fish pass; to prevent clogging)
Our strengths
50+ years of experience at LNHE (National Laboratory for Hydraulics and the Environment) in aquatic environment metrology, with excellent knowledge of field conditions, and industrial context
- A broad spectrum of skills (hydrobiology, ecotoxicology, chemistry, sedimentology, currentology…), allowing us to offer a comprehensive solution
- A large stock of equipment, and specific laboratories, regularly updated with the newest technologies

Our offer
- Definition et choice of measurement and sampling strategies (one-time or repeated/periodic/seasonal), complying with standard regulations, and the local context
- Organization et realization of field campaign (ex. in-situ sampling, measurement, observation, counting, inventory, survey…)
- Advanced treatment of data, signal, images… relying on our multi-expertise R&D team
- Analysis and interpretation of acquired data, reporting, expertise, diagnosis…
Use case examples
EDF Rhinau Dam: Flow data acquisition, during a flood event, and 3D hydro-sediment modelling.
EDF Poutès Dam: Evaluation of the salmon fish pass, during migration season (currentology, 3D telemetry, development of a 3D model); improvement suggestions for the fish pass and for the dam operation.
EDF Coastal Nuclear Power Plants: Detection, monitoring and analysis of the juvenile fish population, near the water intake, to prevent filter clogging. Development of a real-time warning device, in close partnership with probe manufacturers.