Sectors of application
Industry / Facility operators in river or marine environment / Environmental agencies / Water engineering / Environmental consultants
Your challenges
- Optimizing the chemical treatments (e.g. biocidal treatments) in place in order to conciliate "industrial performance", "economic viability" and "environmental and health acceptability”
- Characterize chemical releases, including unknown transformation by-products, and assess their environmental fate
- Understanding the physico-chemical and biological phenomena involved in industrial processes and in the environment
- Evaluate the environmental impact of new technologies (new chemicals or processes)
- Identify room for action and rationalize technological choices, in order to guarantee compliance with environmental regulations
Our strengths
Complete solutions, ranging from opportunity study (technical and economical feasibility), experimentation and expertise. A gradual response, adapted to the needs and challenges.
- Skills valued by the scientific community (publications in specialized journals).
- A multidisciplinary team: coupling chemistry and ecotoxicology approaches for the identification of contaminants at risk for the ecosystems (Effect-Directed Analysis approaches, Mass Balance Analysis, etc.).

Our offer
- Experiments in laboratory, in semi-industrial testing facility and in natural field environment: process optimization (biocidal and anti-scale treatments), understanding of phenomena, evaluation of the environmental fate of chemical substances at environmentally relevant concentrations
- Development of analytical strategies and protocols, allowing to characterize chemical contaminants (including their unknown compounds) in different matrices:
- Chemical substances: disinfection by-products (trihalomethanes, haloacetic acids, etc.), organohalogen compounds (e.g. AOX, POX, EOX, AOCl, AOBr, AOI), amines, nitrosamines, oxidants (monochloramine, chlorine, ORT), etc.
- Matrices: natural water (fresh and saline), industrial effluents, sediments, soils, suspended solids, biota, etc.
- Consulting and expertise in analytical sciences and environmental chemistry (e.g. chlorination and monochloramination by-products)
- Writing of technical and scientific reports, based on literature review and/or experiments
- For rent : laboratories, analytical equipment (incl. training)
Use case examples
EPRI - Electric Power Research Institute, USA: Iodine vapor infusion technology tests on cooling tower applications.
Water Technology Centre (Allemagne), Ecole Polytechnique, CNRS: Partners in determination of monochloramine dissipation kinetics in various surface water qualities under relevant environmental conditions – Consequences regarding environmental risk assessment.
EDF Generation Division: Characterization of chlorination and monochloramination by-products of natural waters.
Ecole Polytechnique and CNRS (2020): Partners in tracking monochloramine decomposition in MIMS analysis. Partners in development and validation of a multiclass method for the determination of organohalogen disinfectant by-products in water samples using solid phase extraction and gas chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry.