Sectors of application
Industry, consultancy firm, Environment Authorities
Your challenges
- Modelling industrial emission for business as usual or accident scenarios
- Backtrack the source of the emission from environmental data
- Training in atmospheric dispersions and create R&D and innovation strategies
Our strengths
Decades of experience with EDF industrial sites
- Links with top engineer University Ecole des Ponts ParisTech
- High level recognition in sciences and academic (publications, distinctions, university education).
- Long term training experience for an high spectrum of public from engineers to general public
- Home made development of adapted tools

Our offer
- Atmospheric dispersion modelling and emission analysis for different meteorological situation. Organisation of field campaign for data collection
- Simulation of wind scenarios
- Consultancy on the crisis management plans development
- Backtrack of emission sources via inverse modelling
- Training end education on atmospheric dispersion
Use case examples
EDF (2020): Atmospheric Dispersion modelling around EDF sites
IRSN (2020): data collection and field campaign
Grand Paris (2019): 3D visualization of air quality for a new urban area in Villiers sur Marne (Grand Paris Area) for the urban highway A4 toward the buildings