Sectors of application
Social landlords, companies or communities with a social project
Your challenges
- To propose innovative solutions to energy poverty, by promoting cross-sectorial approaches (lifestyle of residents, energy, building, environment, living in harmony, etc.)
- To develop a business model suited to your case, by identifying and characterising local partners and their needs (constituents, social landlords, tenants, businesses, etc.)
- To optimise your project, by involving the target population during each study and development phase
Our strengths
A multidisciplinary team with expertise in business models, sociology, ergonomics, design and statistics
- A presence throughout the territory
- A network of partner companies committed to vulnerable populations: Veolia, Renault, Bouygues, Leroy Merlin, etc.
- Partnerships with Ashoka and the HEC Master’s Degree in Sustainability & Social Innovation, Social and Business Action Tank

Our offer
A team of experts assists you in the development of your energy poverty-related social project:
- Identification and prioritisation of the essential requirements of vulnerable populations (upstream studies involving complementary disciplines in sociology, ethnography, economics, statistics, etc.)
- Provision of an optimal response and advice on social financing (reaching to local public and private partners)
- Co-development of the business model of the chosen solution and proposal of economic models and innovative partnerships
- Improvement of the acceptability of the project and its implementation (involvement of target populations at each stage of development)
Use case examples
Toulouse Métropole (since 2013): Setting up of the first "Solidarity Workshop" in collaboration with all the stakeholders: residents of the Empalot district, Habitat Toulouse, City of Toulouse, CAF, Leroy Merlin, Compagnons Bâtisseurs (“Master Builders”) (watch the video – in French)
Brézillon - Bouygues Group (since 2014): Guidance for the people during a renovation programme experiment of a multi-family building in bad conditions
Vilogia (since 2016): Setting up a solidarity workshop for the tenants of its property portfolio in the city of Hem (59)
EDF - Sales Division (since 2016): Design and implementation of a solution for the display of electricity consumption for customers in vulnerable situations