EVADYN test bench
The EVADYN test bench (EVAluation of the DYNamic behaviour of structures) allows vibration tests to be carried out on various equipment of the industry.
It is equipped with measuring equipment (laser, accelerometers), excitation devices (impact hammers, vibrating pots) and acquisition (more than 180 channels) tools to carry out tests adapted to all situations.
It is equipped with measuring equipment (laser, accelerometers), excitation devices (impact hammers, vibrating pots) and acquisition (more than 180 channels) tools to carry out tests adapted to all situations.
- 42-tons mass, 4 by 4 meters square, isolated from the Civil Engineering building
- 250 single-axis and tri-axis accelerometers
- Vibration pots from 10 N to 26 kN

EURoPE test bench
The EURoPE test bench (Assembly Using a Test Rotor) is a test means for studying the vibration behavior of the shaft lines of large rotating machines (turbines, pumps). The unit, equipped with numerous sensors, houses a motor coupled to a rotor supported by hydrodynamic bearings. An automated system ensures precise and secure control of the installation.
- 40-tons concrete mass on spring boxes
- 10-tons, 10-meters long metal chassis
- 66 kW variable speed motors
- Totaal shaft length: 3.2 meters

Alternator test bench
The Alternator bench is used to set up diagnostic tools for the nuclear fleet during operation. To do this, it simulates the effects of misalignment and short-circuit on the behaviour of alternators.
- Representative of a 900 MW nuclear power plant alternator on a reduced scale
- More than 150 magnetic flux and temperature sensors

Motor test bench
Motor test benches allow tests to be carried out on low-voltage motors. Tests include verifying engine performance, testing functional endurance, or conducting specific tests to validate studies or numerical models.
- 3 motor benches installed: 45kW - 100 kW - 200 kW
- Variable voltage by autotransformer up to 450 V