You are already an EDF Group supplier

If you're already a supplier, and you're looking for information on invoicing, reverse factoring, dematerialization of invoices and orders, or if you'd like to access contractual documents or find out how to set up a productivity partnership, this page will provide you with the answers.

What are you looking for?


EDF SA's contractual model is based on General Purchasing Conditions (GPC), which are broken down into the following purchasing areas: "Supplies, Works, Services", "Intellectual Services" and "Tertiary Services, IT and Telecommunications". In addition, Special Purchasing Conditions (SPC) apply. These are communicated to suppliers when they respond to invitations to tender.


The Productivity Partnership: working together for continuous improvement

The aim of a Productivity Partnership is to explore avenues for technical and economic progress, based on the best practices identified and feedback received during the call for tenders and throughout the contract. This Productivity Partnership requires joint analysis of the identified avenues for progress, implementation of a schedule of meetings with EDF's technical and commercial contact, and promotion of the avenues finally validated. At the end of this process, a Productivity Partnership form is drawn up and signed by both parties.

Identification and operational implementation

A Productivity Partnership involves listening to each other and sharing a common ambition. It can be implemented at the initiative of EDF and/or the Licensee. In a win-win situation, as soon as opportunities are identified, the two parties meet to :

  • Study operational feasibility.
  • Analyze the technical and economic relevance. 

The Productivity Partnership is a powerful tool for continuous improvement, in particular for combining financial performance with a CSR dimension to which the EDF Group is particularly sensitive

  • 200

    The number of new productivity partnerships signed by 2023

  • 50

    The number of new productivity partnerships with a CSR component signed by 2023


To speed up and streamline the processing and payment of invoices, EDF provides its suppliers with the “Guide du bien facturer”.

This guide reflects EDF's strong desire to strengthen communication between its employees and suppliers, in order to streamline the payment process. It also contributes to improving knowledge of the EDF Group's organization. Our ambition is that it should provide concrete answers to everyday questions about the invoicing process.


Reverse Factoring offers suppliers the opportunity to request early payment of their invoices - before the contractual due date - in return for a micro-commission, as soon as EDF has validated the planned services and issued the payment order.

EDF offers this solution to its suppliers, via its factoring partner BNP Paribas Factor (BNPPF). EDF offers them an interest rate based on its own financial risk and its signature quality.

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To enable you to access the information, we suggest you view the video Reverse factoring by EDF, testimonial by Aurélie Chevallier - JST Transformateurs in a new tab.

Reverse factoring by EDF, testimonial by Aurélie Chevallier - JST Transformateurs

Suppliers wishing to take advantage of this possibility must first sign a bipartite contract with BNPPF.

Invoices are paid directly by BNPPF to the supplier's bank account; the supplier may or may not request advance payment. EDF then pays the invoices to BNPPF on the contractual due date.

Exchanges between BNPPF and member suppliers take place via a dedicated Internet platform. This platform enables suppliers to view invoices available for payment, and to request payment with a single click. 

A financially attractive program.

  • A preferential financing rate based on the EDF Group's signature quality
  • Financing in the form of a micro-commission on the invoice amount
  • Alternative short-term financing to optimize the supplier's working -capital requirements
  • Secure cash receipts and forecasts thanks to the visibility provided by the platform

A simple, flexible program.


The EDF Group now recommends sending invoices electronically by registering for the DEF@CTO dematerialization service. 
This free solution offers a number of advantages, including:

  • Avoid mail delays and delivery problems.
  • Track the processing of your invoices directly on the portal at any time.
  • 740,000

    Bills processed in 2023

  • 93.1%

    percentage of invoices paid on time in 2023

  • 93.54%

    Percentage of invoices dematerialized by the end of April 2024

If you would like to send your invoices electronically via our our new GENERIX dematerialization platform, which has been in service since the end of 2024, there is only one address to apply:

If you encounter any difficulties on the platform, despite the instructions and e-learning available, please send a message to


As of October 21, 2019, EDF SA has introduced e-procurement for its suppliers.

  • 114,257

    The number of orders sent electronically to suppliers in 2023 via the DEMAC tool, 94% of invoices.