The option for the payment of the balance of the dividend in shares was chosen by EDF’s shareholders: 93.71% of the rights were exercised in favor of a payment in shares following the option period which took place between 24 May 2019 and 10 June 2019 included.
In accordance with article L.232-18 of the French commercial Code and with article 25 of the Articles of Association, EDF’s General Shareholders’ Meeting of 16 May 2019 decided to pay a dividend in respect of the 2018 financial year for an amount of €0.31 per share conferring entitlement to the ordinary dividend, with an option for the payment in shares of the Company of the outstanding balance of the dividend still to be paid, amounting to 0.16 euro per share conferring entitlement to the ordinary dividend.
The issue price of the new shares is €11.10 per share, equal to 90% of the average of the opening prices of the EDF shares listed on the Euronext Paris market over the twenty trading days prior to 16 May 2019, date of the Combined Shareholders’ Meeting, less the amount of the balance of the dividend,  rounded up to the next highest euro cent.
This transaction will result in the issuance of 40,701,950 new shares (representing approximately 1.33% of the share capital, taking into account the issuance), to be delivered and admitted for trading on Euronext Paris starting on 18 June 2019. The new shares will be issued with immediate dividend rights and will confer the same rights (“jouissance courante”) and restrictions as existing common shares, as described in the Company’s Articles of Association and the 2018 reference document Report available on the Company’s website. The balance of the dividend in cash to be paid to the shareholders who opted for the payment in shares amounts to around €0.230 million.
The total remaining cash dividend to be paid to shareholders who did not elect to receive the 2018 balance of the dividend in shares amounts to around €30.554 million and the payment in cash will take place as of 18 June 2019.

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