On 16 October, EDF launches “VERT électrique” (Electric GREEN), a new range of electricity supply solutions for private customers. The goal is to offer renewably-sourced energy combined with solutions adapted to new ways of using electricity.

The French are keen to play an active role in energy transition, whilst at the same time managing their electricity usage and bills. For this reason, EDF is unveiling a new range of innovative green solutions to suit different needs. The electricity supplied is guaranteed to come from renewable sources, and certified as such.

“VERT électrique” (GREEN Electric):

This plan provides green electricity with high quality customer service staff based exclusively in France, and effective solutions for monitoring energy consumption. It is aimed at customers who want to contribute to energy transition (Linky and non-Linky customers).

“VERT électrique week-end” (GREEN electric weekend):

This plan allows customers to go one step further and make savings on their electricity bill by transferring their consumption during the week to the weekend. They can adjust their level of consumption from day to day and in Euros via the EDF&Moi app. It is aimed at customers with a smart Linky meter who are prepared to change their consumption habits to save money.

To make life easier for customers interested in a “VERT électrique” plan, EDF is also launching a dedicated hotline available on 3004. As of the end of the year, the range will see some fresh innovative additions adapted to new ways of using electricity.

Henri Lafontaine, the EDF Group’s Senior Executive Vice President in charge of Customers, Services, and Regional Action: “The new range of green service plans from EDF helps us respond to the growing expectations of French people keen to play an active role in energy transition. This new range consolidates EDF’s role as a leading electricity provider that is innovative, responsible, and in touch with its customers.”

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