• EDF SA plans to recruit around 1,500 employees in 2017 and 1,000 employees in 2018
  • The partial replacement of retiring staff will result in a reduction in staff numbers of around 6% between 2017 and 2019
  • The Group will welcome 3,000 apprentices each year, around 25% of whom will be recruited

Within the context of its Cap 2030 strategy, EDF has embarked on its drive for change to adapt to the way the energy and digital sector is evolving and to be the market leader in low-carbon growth.

In 2016, EDF formalised its commitment to social dialogue by signing 19 agreements and amendments with trade union organisations. Proactive measures have also been taken to improve the company’s performance, notably by managing costs and changes to the workforce. It is within this context that the recruitment, mobility and skills management policy was the subject of a works council meeting on 2 February 2017.

In anticipation of the current wave of retirements and to make sure that skills are passed on between the generations, EDF SA recruited 20,000 employees between 2011 and 2016. As some employees taking retirement are not replaced, staff numbers should reduce by around 6% between 2017 and 2019, without any redundancies. To support employees coming to the end of their career, the EDF Group will be introducing measures to encourage staff to leave on a voluntary basis.

Against this background, EDF plans to recruit around 1,500 employees in 2017 and 1,000 in 2018, particularly engineers and technicians with specific skills, in generation activities and information systems. In other companies within the group, such as EDF Energies Nouvelles, staff numbers in France will remain stable.

In order to offer greater support for the development and evolution of the EDF Group’s various activities, internal mobility will be promoted and encouraged, thanks to the provisions of a collective agreement signed with 3 trade union organisations, which includes, among other things, reforms to tools supporting mobility (training, new digital tools, etc.).

EDF is also maintaining its commitment to integrating young people into the workforce by welcoming 3,000 apprentices every year. The Group undertakes to recruit 25% of its new staff from these apprentices.

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