On 15 November, EDF Chairman and CEO Jean-Bernard Levy signed a collective agreement with the CFDT, CFE-CGC and FO trade unions entitled "Work Differently, Manage Differently" (TAMA). The goal of this agreement is to capitalise on the lessons learned from the health crisis by defining a coherent framework which will promote performance, encourage the cultural development of employees and managers, and enhance the attractiveness of the company. The TAMA agreement, concluded for a period of 4 years, is applicable to all EDF SA employees.

This agreement identifies new working and management methods that have been implemented, tested or accelerated since the beginning of the pandemic. They are available to the teams for deployment in areas such as new teleworking practices or working practices on site, the possibility of flexible working hours and better management of meetings. In addition, the agreement proposes a framework adapted to the specificities of the various businesses and divisions. This enables operations to be adapted to make them more flexible and generate greater collective performance.

This "Work Differently, Manage Differently" (TAMA) approach gives teams responsibility for their own operating methods as part of a continuous improvement process, reconciling performance and well-being. The agreement aims to rebuild the collective bond and social cohesion around a subject that employees are eager to explore. It also promotes health and safety with shared vigilance regarding new emerging risks and a balanced and controlled use of digital technology, the establishment of innovative social dialogue methods and the development of less carbon-intensive mobility solutions.

The TAMA approach as a starting point for collective reflection

Implementing the TAMA approach for a team consists in reflecting collectively, under the supervision of the manager, on its daily activities using the new working methods, while ensuring that there is a balance between performance, efficiency, the needs and expectations of the employees. These reflections are formalised in team projects.

Christophe Carval, Group Human Resources Director, said: "The health crisis has given us the opportunity to broaden and accelerate our efforts to transform the company. This agreement is very meaningful because it provides a coherent framework for progress for EDF SA, while allowing for the diversity of our businesses. More than just an agreement, TAMA is an approach that is a formidable training ground for greater performance, greater well-being for our current employees and greater attractiveness to our future employees."

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