EDF's Board of Directors, meeting today, considered the draft strategic plan, set out in the Energy Code, which presents the actions that the company undertakes to implement in order to comply with security of supply and diversification of electricity production targets set in the first period of the multiannual energy program (PPE: Programmation Pluriannuelle de l'Energie) covering 2016-2018 period. In accordance with the Energy Code, the Board of Directors approved the transmission of this draft strategic plan to the Minister for Energy.

In this plan, EDF explains the main actions it is deploying in France over the 2016-2018 period. The group's low-carbon strategy, which is based on three pillars of nuclear energy, renewable energies and energy efficiency services, is in line with the PPE expectations. These actions concern:

  • nuclear: during this period, the French nuclear fleet will evolve with the commissioning of Flamanville 3 and the concomitant closure of Fessenheim; the investment program of the Grand Carénage will continue to be deployed progressively on the existing fleet and EDF will prepare the necessary actions for future nuclear competitiveness;
  • fossil-fired plants, which play an essential role in security of supply: the period is marked by the shutdown of plants operating on fuel oil;
  • renewable energies: some of the existing hydro assets will be modernized; regarding new renewable energies, EDF will accelerate its development and expand its range of solutions deployed, from on-shore wind to off-shore wind, from tidal turbines to biomass cogeneration and geothermal energy;
  • finally, on energy efficiency services: a specific effort will be made to deploy digital services to all customer segments and on solutions offered to territories and local authorities.

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