EDF is actively preparing, along with the entire nuclear industry, the construction of new EPR2 reactors in France. In this perspective, EDF's Engineering and New Nuclear Projects Division is being reorganised with the appointment of a Director of the New Nuclear Program for France.

On June 1st, 2022, Nicolas Machtou joined the Engineering and New Nuclear Projects Division as Director of the New Nuclear Program for France.

In this capacity, he will lead the project management of the construction program for new EPR2 reactors in France. He will be responsible for monitoring the industrial and technical operation of the program. He will also facilitate and accelerate the progress of the work aimed to meet the regulatory and financial requirements for the implementation of the guidelines adopted by the French State, for which he will be the main contact.

The design and construction engineering work is proceeding well under the direction of Gabriel Oblin, Director of the EPR2 Project. Since the beginning of 2022, the engineering teams, together with those of the main French suppliers, have been busy developing the detailed design and the licensing of the reactor. The EPR2 Project is also working on the preparation of the sites likely to receive the six EPR21 reactors.

Nicolas Machtou and Gabriel Oblin report to Xavier Ursat, EDF Group Senior Executive in charge of Engineering and New Nuclear Projects Division.

Jean-Bernard Levy, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of EDF, commented: "On November 9, 2021, and again on February 10, 2022, the President of the Republic Emmanuel Macron announced the construction of new nuclear reactors. This is the starting point for a new impetus for our nuclear industry. To meet this major industrial challenge and successfully complete this program, EDF is strengthening its organisation."

This press release is certified. Check its authenticity on medias.edf.com

About Nicolas Machtou
Nicolas Machtou began his career in 1998 working with Marisol Touraine at the French National Assembly, before joining the Brussels office of VIVENDI's General Secretariat in 2000. In 2003, he carried out a study on the security of gas supply at the International Energy Agency. In 2004, he joined the Director General of the Energy Regulation Commission to work on the liberalisation of the electricity and gas markets. In 2006, he joined RTE (Electricity Transmission Network), first as a member of the Chairman of the Management Board, then as head of the "subsidiaries and new activities" section in the finance department. In 2012, he was appointed technical advisor for energy and the environment in the office of Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault. In 2014, he was appointed as a consultant to the Court of Auditors and a member of the board of the French Rail and Road Regulation Authority (ARAFER). In October 2015, Nicolas Machtou was appointed as advisor for energy, sustainable development, transport, housing and cities in the cabinet of the President of the Republic, François Hollande. In 2017, he joined Enedis as deputy director in charge of Ile de France and member of the Executive Committee. He has been Chairman of the Board of Directors of Citelum since 1 June 2020.
Nicolas Machtou is a graduate of the University of Paris II and Columbia University in New York.

About Gabriel Oblin
Gabriel Oblin began his career at EDF in 2002 in the Nuclear Production Division where he held various positions. In particular, he was head of the department in charge of operating the reactors at the Civaux power plant.
From 2010 to 2012, he joined the EDF Group's Audit Department as a senior auditor. Then, from 2012 to 2014, he joined the EDF Group Executive Director in charge of production and engineering, and of the Asia/Pacific region. He also contributed to the strategic review of the merger with Framatome.
Since 2014, he has been leading the EPR2 Project, in charge of the design of the reactor, its licensing with the French Nuclear Safety Authority and the preparation of contracts and potential sites for the three pairs of reactors. He is also a member of the Edvance Supervisory and Steering Committee.
Gabriel Oblin is a graduate of the Ecole Polytechnique and the Ecole Nationale des Techniques Avancées. He is a certified IPMA level A project manager.

Photos available on request at service-de-presse@edf.fr

1 The choice of sites is the responsibility of the public authorities. EDF has proposed - in order - Penly, Gravelines, and Bugey or Tricastin.