At a meeting chaired by Jean-Bernard Lévy, EDF Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of EDF, on Wednesday 30th March 2016, the EDF Board of Directors decided to propose the nomination of Claire Pedini, Senior Vice-President in charge of Human Resources for the Saint Gobain Group, for the position of Director of EDF, to the Combined General Shareholders’ Meeting to be held on 12th May 2016.

Claire Pedini will replace Philippe Varin, Chairman of the AREVA Board of Directors. The purpose of Philippe Varin’s nomination as EDF director on 21st November 2014 was to strengthen the ties between EDF and AREVA while also supporting efforts to rebuild the foundations of the French nuclear industry. Relations between both Groups have improved significantly since then, particularly following the signature of long-term business agreements and ongoing discussions about EDF’s plans to take control of AREVA’s “reactors and services” business. Considering the essential milestones already achieved, Philippe Varin now intends to help enhance the nuclear industry’s performance in other ways, in particular by means of the Plateforme France Nucléaire currently in the process of being set up. He then decided to resign from his position as member of the Board of Directors of EDF with effect from 12th May 2016.

Aged 50, Claire Pedini is a graduate of the École des Hautes Études Commerciales and holds a Master’s degree in media management from the École Supérieure de Commerce de Paris. In 1988, she joined Total as Corporate Controller before assuming responsibility for Total’s admission to trading on the New York Stock Exchange in 1991, and becoming Vice-President of Investor Relations in 1992, Vice-President of Media Relations in 1994 and Vice-President of New Information Technologies in 1997.

In 1998, she joined Alcatel as Chief of Financial Information and Shareholder Relations, becoming successively Vice-President, Investor Relations and Public Affairs in 2001, Deputy Chief Financial Officer in 2004, Senior Vice-President, Human Resources and Corporate Communications and member of the Executive Committee in 2006, Senior Vice-President, Human Resources, Corporate Communications and Real Estate in 2007, and Executive Vice-President, Human Resources and Transformation, of Alcatel-Lucent in 2009.

Since June 2010, Claire Pedini has served as Senior Vice-President in charge of Human Resources for the Saint Gobain Group. She is also a member of the Board of Directors of Arkema.

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