On the occasion of the EDF 2020 Shareholder General Meeting that was held today at the company's headquarters under the chairmanship of Jean-Bernard Lévy with a 91,96% quorum of represented shareholders, all submitted resolutions were adopted. Owing to the Covid-19 epidemic and the health measures set in place by the government, the meeting took place without the shareholders attending in person and was telecast live through an audio link. Shareholders were given the opportunity to ask questions which were answered during the meeting.
Pursuant to what was proposed by the Board of Directors in order to meet the commitments of solidarity and accountability towards all of the company's stakeholders in view of the current crisis, the General Meeting of Shareholders agreed that no dividend would be paid out for the financial year ended on 31 December 2019 other than the 2019 interim dividend amounting to 0.15 Euros. It was also agreed that the amount of the 2019 interim dividend would not be increased by the loyalty dividend.
In addition, the General Meeting of Shareholders formally adopted the company's raison d'être, which reads as follows: Our raison d'être is to build a net zero energy future with electricity and innovative solutions and services, to help save the planet and drive wellbeing and economic development.
Last but not least, the Shareholders General Meeting renewed the term of office as a Director of Claire Pedini and ratified the appointment of Véronique Bédague-Hamilius and François Delattre. The EDF Board of Directors includes eight women, two of which were elected by the workforce, tantamount to a 50% proportion of women measured against the Board members that were factored into the establishment of this percentage (excluding board members representing the workforce) and 44.44% of the entire Board.
A full breakdown of the votes, all presentations and the audio broadcast of the mixed General Meeting are available on the EDF website.
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