Following the announcement by the French State, on July 19, 2022, of its intention to file, subject to the enactment of a 2022 Supplementary Budget Bill (currently being discussed in Parliament) providing the financial resources necessary for the Offer, a simplified public tender offer for the equity securities of EDF S.A. (the “Company”) (the "Offer"), the Board of Directors of the Company formed, on July 19, 2022, an ad hoc committee in accordance with Article 261-1-III of the French Financial Markets Authority (the "AMF")’s general regulations.

In accordance with Articles 261-1-I 1° and 5° and 261-1-II of the AMF's general regulations, the Board of Directors, by decision of July 27, 2022 upon the ad hoc committee’s proposal, appointed Finexsi, represented by Olivier Péronnet and Olivier Courau, as an independent expert in order to draw up a report on the financial terms of the Offer followed, if applicable, by a squeeze-out, under the conditions set out in AMF Instruction no. 2006-08 and AMF Recommendation no. 2006-15.

The Board of Directors will issue a reasoned opinion on the proposed Offer after having taken note of the report of the independent expert and the recommendation of the ad hoc committee.

The report of the independent expert and the reasoned opinion of the Board of Directors of the Company will be included in the Company’s draft response document.

Important Information

This press release has been prepared for information purposes only.

It does not constitute an offer to purchase or a solicitation to sell EDF securities in any country, including France. It is not intended for distribution in any country other than France, except where such distribution is permitted by applicable laws and regulations.

In the event that the Offer is filed, the documentation relating to the Offer, including the terms and conditions of the Offer, will be submitted to the AMF, which will assess its compliance with the applicable legal and regulatory provisions. The Offer may only be opened once it has been declared compliant by the AMF.

The dissemination, publication or distribution of this press release, as well as the Offer and its acceptance, may be subject to specific regulations or restrictions in certain countries. The Offer will not be directed to persons subject to such restrictions, either directly or indirectly, and may not be accepted from any country where the Offer would be subject to such restrictions. Accordingly, persons in possession of this press release are required to inform themselves about and to observe any local restrictions that may apply. EDF does not accept any liability for any breach of these restrictions by any person.