The Board of Directors which met this day has decided to convene an Ordinary General Meeting on 22 July 2021 in order to submit to EDF’s shareholders the appointment of Ms. Nathalie Collin, Deputy Chief Executive Officer and Chief Executive Officer in charge of General public and Digital Technology of La Poste group, as a new independent directors of the company.

The current sanitary context and orders applicable to meetings in places open to the public do not allow the company’s shareholders to meet at the General Meeting in satisfactory conditions. Consequently, the Board of Directors has decided to convene this meeting behind closed doors, without the shareholders and other persons entitled to attend being present, in accordance with the legal and regulatory provisions currently in force.

The General Meeting will be broadcast live in audio on the Company’s website and the recording will also be made available on replay in accordance with applicable regulations. Shareholders are invited to exercise their voting rights by mail, internet or by giving proxy to the Chairman of the General Meeting or to a person of their choice. The procedures regarding voting through mail or proxy will be described in the notice of the meeting which will be published by EDF in the Bulletin des Annonces Légales Obligatoires.

Finally, the Board of Directors has appointed the French State and the EDF Equity Fund as scrutineers at the Shareholders’ Meeting, in accordance with the provisions of Decree no. 2020-418 of 10 April 2020 as amended. These two scrutineers will be present at the Meeting.

Shareholders are invited to regularly consult the section dedicated to the General Meeting on EDF’s website.

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