Given the exceptional circumstances related to the health crisis, the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of EDF, upon delegation of the Board of Directors, has decided that the combined Shareholders’ Meeting of the Company, scheduled on 6 May 2021 and initially convened with the participation of its shareholders, will finally be held without the physical attendance of its members.
This decision follows, in particular, the Decree No. 2021-255 of 9 March 2021, which extended until 31 July 2021 the application period of the Ordinance No. 2020-321 of 25 March 2020, as amended, and Decree No. 2020-418 of 10 April 2020, as amended, adapting the rules for meetings and deliberations of collective corporate bodies of legal persons and entities that are not legal entities under private law, due to the Covid-19 epidemic.
The administrative measures limiting or prohibiting travel or collective gatherings, the closure of conference and meeting rooms and the obligation to comply with physical distancing measures, with regard to the number of persons which are usually present at the previous Shareholders' Meetings, prevent the physical presence of shareholders at the meeting of 6 May 2021.
Under these conditions, the Shareholders' Meeting will be broadcast in live on the Company's website ( and the video will also be available on replay within the period provided for by the regulations. Shareholders are invited to exercise their voting rights by mail, by internet or by granting a proxy to the Chairman of the Shareholders' Meeting or any person of their choice. The procedures for voting by post will be described in the convening notice which will be published by EDF in the Bulletin des Annonces Légales Obligatoires.
In addition, the Board of Directors, on its meeting of 8 April, modified the agenda of the Shareholders' Meeting and decided to propose to the Shareholders’ Meeting the renewal of four directors whose terms of office are expiring. Therefore, it will be proposed to the shareholders to renew for a period of four years the terms of office of Marie-Christine Lepetit, Head of the Inspectorate General of Finance, Colette Lewiner, professional Director, Michèle Rousseau, Chair of BRGM and François Delattre, General Secretary of the French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs. The Board noted at this meeting that the process of selecting an independent director to be proposed to the shareholders to replace Laurence Parisot was still ongoing. Laurence Parisot had indeed indicated at a previous Board meeting that given her functions as Chairwoman and Managing Director of Citi France, she could no longer serve as director within the Board of Directors of EDF. In order to continue the selection process for a new director in the best possible conditions, the Board of Directors therefore decided to postpone the proposal for the appointment of a new director to a subsequent Shareholders’ Meeting.
The Board of Directors thanks Laurence Parisot for her contribution to the work of the Board.
Finally, the French State and the « Fonds Actions EDF » have been appointed as scrutineers of the combined Shareholder’s Meeting of the Company in accordance with the provisions of Decree no. 2020-418 of 10 April 2020, as amended, and will attend the Shareholders’ Meeting
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